Danny Gallagher

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Giving a day of commemoration to one of the world's most instrumental civil rights leaders whose peaceful words and deeds contributed to a whole new understanding of equality and brotherhood seems like a no-brainer. Martin Luther King Day's history, however, was fraught with controversy and took years just to get on the federal government's official calendars.

You’ve Been Warned! The Octomom Has Recorded Her First Single
Nadya Suleman has been doing everything she can to remain relevant in the spotlight since she earned her infamous nickname “the Octomom.” She jumped in the boxing ring. She took a twirl on the stripper pole. She even stepped in front of the camera to shoot an adult film. Now she’s back, and instead of assaulting your vision, this time she’s after your ears as well.

11 Signs You’re Too Old to Be Working
In the old days, if you were lucky, you worked until you turned 55, joined the ranks of the retired and scarred your grandkids for life by telling them about all the ears you collected during the big war.
Now, times are tough and pensions are nothing but a distant memory. So more people are working longer and retiring later, if they even retire at all. Of course, some really should consider takin

15 Obvious Discoveries from the Least Surprising Scientific Studies
Science has done a lot of great things in our time. It’s brought mankind to the surface of the moon and back. It has given us a bountiful supply of food. It has created super-stretch waistbands on pants for people who are as big as the moon because they consume too much food.

12 Ways to Tell It’s Way, Way Too Hot
Temperatures are reaching new heights as we move into the summer. Sweltering humidity have made being outdoors almost unbearable. The sun is laughing at us.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
The legend of America’s birth is only 236 years old. However, in that short amount of time, a number of legends that would normally take centuries to grow and multiply in any other civilization have sprung up.

22 Irresistibly Delicious Food Brands for Zombies
A disturbing trend has started to become an even more disturbing trend. And for once, we’re not talking about the Kardashians, so you can put away the weapons.

11 Signs the President Is Hanging Out with Too Many Celebrities
President Barack Obama is in campaign mode and that means he’ll just about do or say anything regardless of his principles, beliefs or personal shame to convince someone to support him. It’s the same strategy he uses to work with Congress.

11 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Garfield’
The newspaper might become less and less of a staple on our lawns or breakfast tables but even the youngest among us can recognize one of its most iconic and colorful stars (and we don’t mean Paul Krugman.) We’re talking about a certain lasagna-loving fat cat with a very heavy disdain for Mondays.

Police Catch Reckless Driver Thanks to ‘Zombie’ License Plate
Having a license plate that reads “ZOMBIE” may not make people think that you’re going to eat their brains or other parts of their various anatomy. It will stick in their minds in another way.

‘Aliens’ Finally Gets the Musical Treatment, Is Broadway Next?
Hollywood and Broadway have a long tradition of turning classic films into musical numbers and productions. It’s happened to ‘Spider Man,’ Mel Brooks’ ‘The Producers, ‘Big’ and even all three ‘Evil Dead’ movies.
So until we get the inevitable ‘Aliens’ musical, we can all enjoy this intentionally funny musical version...

12 Lesser-Known Symptoms of ‘Over-Tanning’
The ‘tanning mom’ of New Jersey has upset a lot of mothers, tanning salon owners and just about anyone with a central nervous system and a basic sense of moral decency or sanity.