Unusual Items to Identify A ‘Swinger’ Couple in Texas
In Texas, people can be whoever they want to be. For the most part as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else or infringing on someone else’s right, no one cares what you’re doing. And that includes being as free as you want to be as one of my coworkers just a few weeks ago wrote about the twelve nude resorts found around the state of Texas. But there are some people that like to go beyond being nude, I had no idea there were so many items that people use to identify that they are part of the swinging lifestyle.
It was a few years ago that I first wore a button up shirt that had pineapples on it and some were facing upside down, I had no idea that some use an upside-down pineapple as an indication that they engage in that lifestyle. I’m not here to judge anyone, I just had no idea the reaction I was going to get because I wore a shirt that had my favorite fruit on it.
There are Lots of Items that Identify the Swinging Lifestyle
Because I am very unfamiliar with the lifestyle, I found some information the the NY Post about how to know if your neighbor is a swinger. There are so many “indicators” that I had no idea that there was a different meaning behind them.

Let’s Look at Items Used to Identify a Couple That Engages in the Swinging Life
According to the NY Post, these items can be used to identify a couple that engages in the swinging lifestyle. I truly wonder how many people in Texas have these items in their yard and have no idea they are giving off the wrong impression to neighbors?!?
Common Items that Symbolize the Swinger Lifestyle
Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins
5 Romantic Texas Airbnb Rentals For A Sexy Weekend Away
Gallery Credit: Chrissy