Yes, you read that right.

Drug-addicted rats are running amock in Houston, more specifically, in storage rooms of the Houston Police Department, where drugs and evidence are kept for decades,

The Houston police chief, J Noe Diaz, said rats are feasting upon 400,000 pounds of weed, magic mushrooms, cocaine, and other illicit narcotics.

I wouldn't trust those shifty critters around my electronics. Just saying...

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According to the Houston Forensic Science Center, these rat druglords are tough to deal with, too. It seems that the only way around the situation is to destroy thousands of pounds of narcotics, which is an expensive venture. The DA's office is even hiring a prosecutor to set the parameters for how to store evidence from now on, and what evidence they can get rid of.

Read More: Disturbing New Details On Texas Teen Accused of Killing Classmate’s Goat

These rats are getting rip-roaring schnackered! I decided a long time ago that if I had the chance to be reincarnated into the animal of my choosing, I'd come back as a bird, or something kind of lame sh*t like that...

Now, I think I'd rather come back as a rat...

Read More: Texas Urologist Suspended For Performing Surgeries While High |

Don't forget to drop me a comment wherever you find this article. I love hearing from my readers. You guys are the best.

You can learn more about these naughty Houston rats here, then, keep scrolling for more ridiculous Texas-based news in the galleries below...

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