The New World screwworm is the stuff of nightmares.

Not only do they look disgusting, but a screwworm infestation is also very painful, as their name implies, screwworms "screw" into the flesh of their host- be it livestock or a person.

CDC/ canva
CDC/ canva

According to the CDC, the New World screwworm was eradicated in the U.S.A. in the 1960s and from Mexico in the 1970s.

However, a recent discovery of screwworms on cattle in Chiapas, Mexico has prompted officials to warn Texans about the potential migration of these revolting creatures.

Screwworms reemerged in Central America (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras) likely causing the recent spread to Mexico,

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) issued a release asking, "hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts in South Texas to monitor for animals affected by New World Screwworm (NWS) after a recent detection in Mexico."

The screwworm is the larvae (aka maggots) of the New World Screwworm fly. The female fly lies eggs on open wounds and other parts of warm-blooded animals (people included).

After the eggs hatch, the larvae burrow into the host until they are ready to drop to the ground, burrow in the soil, and later emerge as adult flies.

An infestation of screwworms causes a condition known as Screwworm Myiasis. Per the CDC, symptoms include:

  • Unexplained skin lesions (wounds or sores) that do not heal.
  • Skin wounds or sores that worsen over time.
  • Painful skin wounds or sores.
  • Bleeding from open sores.
  • Feeling larvae movement within a skin wound or sore, nose, mouth, or eyes.
  • Seeing maggots around or in open sores.
  • A foul-smelling odor from the site of the infestation.

Additionally, secondary bacterial infections sometimes occur and may cause fever or chills.

Of course, if you experience any symptoms like these, you should seek medical help immediately, and alert your healthcare professional if you have been exposed to an infected animal or have traveled to an area known to have screwworms- like Cental America.

Here's hoping these creatures once again become eradicated- and stay that way.

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