This is going to be a fun trip on the responsibility train to parent-ville. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Called To Court

I read with great interest on the KCBD site that a bunch of families were called into court because their kids were not going to school. Taking things a step further, if you don't show up for this kind of court, you could be arrested. Wow.

Serious Offenses?

It is amazing to me what we consider and don't consider serious societal offenses. Right now we have diseases making comebacks because parents don't vaccinate their children, but having them not show up for school is somehow deemed worse? I guess it's the difference between an ill-informed parent and a lousy parent, but it's an appropriate comparison to make.

Rules We Live By

There are certain societal rules we all abide by. Most of us agree that you need a driver's license to drive. Most agree that doctors should have a license to practice. Most agree that restaurants should follow health codes. The list goes on and on, but the things included and not included tend to be random and heavily influenced by the politics of the day.

The Future

With "school choice" being a push by Texas, it's going to seriously complicate a lot of things, including truancy. I think this will result in families not being held accountable for making sure their children get educated, but that remains to be seen. In the mean time, remember in Lubbock you could face fines, or even be arrested if your kid doesn't go to school.

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Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

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