When it comes to fast food, let's be honest, we Texans enjoy fast food from time to time. Even if you are attempting to eat healthier, there is just something that attracts us to the drive through of our favorite fast food restaurants.

And in Texas, we have plenty of choices when it comes to fast food. From burgers to pizza, Mexican to Italian to Chinese, sandwiches to burritos, Texas has a diverse line-up of choices for fast food.

But which fast food restaurant is king in Texas? The folks at VegasInsider.com put together the data to find the top 10 most popular fast-food chains in America, but also in individual states. And the results below may actually surprise you.

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One thing to note about how VegasInsider put their list together, it was done based on search volume using Google Keyword Planner. So this isn't based on sales, which could turn out a different outcome.

READ MORE: These Are The Most Popular Blue Bell Ice Cream Flavors Ranked

Nationally, it wasn't McDonald's or even Chick-fil-A that took the top spot. Instead, it was a chain that I don't really consider "fast food", but I guess they technically do fall into that category, Domino's Pizza. You can see the full national list here.

Personally, I would put pizza and even hot wings into a different category than fast food since sometimes they are anything but fast (especially on a gameday), but for the sake of this story, we will go with it.

Top 10 Most Popular Fast Food Chains in Texas

So what about in Texas? What is the most popular fast food chain in the Lone Star State? The answer may surprise you. Even the top 10 may surprise you. Check out the top 10 most popular fast food chains in Texas below.

Most Popular Fast Food Chains in Texas Ranked

The website Vegas Insider has ranked the most popular fast food chains in Texas after looking at Google data. Do you think the following are really the most popular? What about number 1?

Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty

RANKED: The Best and Most Popular Blue Bell Ice Cream Flavors

Texans love Blue Bell Ice Cream and as temperatures increase, more and more ice cream will fly off the shelves. While Blue Bell overall is a favorite, which flavor is ranked as the best ? Here's the best Blue Bell flavors, ranked.

Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty

Texas Fall Destination Bucket List

Fall in Texas is a magical time of year, depending on where you go. Well, you're in luck, because dfwchild.com laid out your perfect travel destination guide for soaking up the fall weather and cozy vibes in the Lone Star State.

Gallery Credit: Nick

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