Lubbock Panty Thief Caught Red-Handed
And in news of the unexpected variety, Austin Gentry Jones was arrested last week after officials with Target on the South Loop accused him of stealing an Xbox video game console and women's panties.
From Everything Lubbock:
Police were called after 3:30 p.m. to the Target store at South Loop and University Avenue. An officer spotted Austin Gentry Jones, 28, in a vehicle near the Target and initiated a traffic stop.
Police were told that Jones entered the store, went to the women’s lingerie section and “began to act in a nervous and suspicious manner.”
Police were told, “[Jones] then selected several pairs of women's underwear and concealed them on his person.”
Jones has a lengthy criminal history, including theft from Texas Tech and drug charges.
We could only hope those panties would have looked good on him.
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