TTU has approximately 21,000 employees with over 63,000 students. They have academic locations in Lubbock, Amarillo, Brownwood, DFW, El Paso, Forney, Fredricksburg, Jefferson, Junction, Marble Falls, Waco, San Jose (Costa Rica), and Seville (Spain).
When the guy finds out, he's so happy that he can't stop LAUGHING. It turns out he recently found a JOB too. And after paying for the apartment and everything else, he still has $21,000 in the bank.
This is just a hunch, but I'm guessing if you quit your job with a TEXT MESSAGE, you're burning that bridge with your boss. But maybe you're SO non-confrontational that the trade off is worth it to you?
For some reason, it's become a trend on YouTube to dress your dog up in clothes, and make it look like it's sitting at the dinner table, eating with a knife and fork. But the newest one is the best so far, because the dog goes through a whole morning routine and gets ready for work.
Some guy thought it would be fun to go around to different businesses and tell them he was quitting...even though he'd never worked there. And some of the reactions were pretty great.