Park officials are trying to identify some idiot who lured a squirrel to the edge of a cliff at the Grand Canyon recently...and for no reason, kicked it INTO the Grand Canyon. All they know right now is he was speaking French.
A video of a squirrel that got trapped in someone's kitchen is racking up hits on YouTube. First it runs up and down one of the walls, and then eventually jumps out a fourth-story window and somehow DOESN'T die.
Footage from December of a snow leopard catching a squirrel at a zoo in northern California is getting some hits on YouTube right now...mainly because of how the guy with the camera reacted to it.
One of the most popular videos on YouTube right now is of a squirrel cheating death at a racetrack in California last month. It happened when the squirrel tried to cross the track during a Lamborghini event for rich guys at the California Speedway.