A Peach Thief Is On The Loose In Lubbock
A peach thief is the loose in Lubbock and one resident has taken to an app to voice frustration and to alert others.
Peaches are delicious and on a hot summer day, sitting down and having a peach can be refreshing, and for many, there is nothing better than a peach that is homegrown. Some homeowners enjoy growing and taking care of their own peaches and peach trees, but for at least one Lubbock resident, she is now missing peaches from three sides of her own peach tree on her property that she had planned on saving or selling at a farmers market.
Her loss of peaches isn't from birds or drought, it's from someone who thinks they are entitled to the fruit hanging from her tree. According to the post, the thief has been run-off several times but keeps returning to steal from her.
I have a beautiful peach tree that had an abundance of peaches - Not quite ripe. I was going to harvest them, put some away, and sell the rest at farmer’s market. But they’re gone on three side of my tree - stripped almost bare. I put up fake owls which kept the birds away. I only had eight peaches fall to the ground this year - one of which had a bite mark in it - made by a person. My caregiver saw a guy walk onto my property and steal the peaches. She ran him off numerous times. He never apologizes - just gives her a dirty look and walks away - only to return - as if he’s entitled. She’d described him as having long hair, slim build. He avoids my cameras. If he’d asked, if probably have said yes to one or two peaches, but not the entire tree - even the ones at the top are gone! If you have fruit trees in front that are not fenced in, be on the lookout for this guy.
That's just not right. But I'm sure it happens all the time with people taking pecans, peaches and anything else they THINK they can just take that grows on trees. Respect people's property and if you want a peach, ring the doorbell and ask. Or just go buy some at the store.