Motorists in Lubbock could literally see the smoke coming from the cookers at the South Plains Fairgrounds as they drove down I-27 yesterday. You could smell that delicious barbeque from the parking lot as teams from all over West Texas competed to find out who makes the absolute BEST barbeque in town. And it was a showdown!

Close to 100 teams competed and here are the winners:

  1. United Supermarkets
  2. 4R Construction / Bearded Brothers BBQ
  3. Kona Ice of South Lubbock
  4. Three Dog Bakery
  5. Coca Cola Team #1
  6. West Texas Land Guys #3
  7. Yates Flooring Center #1
  8. The Outdoor Chef
  9. Lubbock County Texas Farm Bureau
  1. Great Plains Distributors #2
  2. Southwest Bank
  3. Happy State Bank
  4. Citibus
  5. Yates Flooring Center #2
  6. Home Sweet Homan
  7. Great Plains Distributors #1
  8. Lubbock Professional Firefighters #2
  9. Triple G Renovations #1
  1. Henthorn Construction
  2. Three Dog Bakery
  3. West Texas Land Guys #2
  4.  4R Construction / Bearded Brothers BBQ
  5.  Rise Energy
  6. Yates Flooring Center #1
  7. Caprock Waste #2
  8. Rosas Financial Solutions
  9. Triple G Renovations #2
  1. Great Plains Distributors #2
  2. Southwest Bank
  3. The Outdoor Chef
  4.  Three Dog Bakery
  5. Rosas Financial Solutions
  6. Lubbock Professional Firefighters #1
  7. Kertec #1
  8. United Supermarkets
  9. Texas Tech Club
  1. Lubbock Professional Firefighters #2
  2. Three Dog Bakery
  3. Lubbock County Texas Farm Bureau
  4. Great Plains Distributors #2
  5. The Outdoor Chef
  6. Hurricane Beach Car Wash
  7. Great Plains Distributors #1
  8. Terracon
  9. Southwest Bank
  1. Westech Electric
  2. Yates Flooring Center #2
  3. West Texas Land Guys #2
  4. Kona Ice of South Lubbock
  5. Yates Flooring Center #1
  6. Hurricane Beach Car Wash
  7. The Outdoor Chef
  8. Lubbock County Texas Farm Bureau
  9. West Texas Land Guys #3

Pics from the 2024 Hub City BBQ!

Gallery Credit: Landon King

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