Alzheimer’s Association to Host Fundraising Walk in Lubbock on Saturday
UPDATED 5p, September 4th
Due to the anticipated rain in Lubbock on Saturday, the location for the walk has been changed. The walk will take place Saturday, September 6, at 9a inside the South Plains Mall. Participants can enter the mall at the entrance closest to Barnes and Noble. Registration for the event will begin at 8a.
The Lubbock chapter of the Alzheimer's Association is hosting a fundraising walk this Saturday, September 6. Registration starts at 8a at the Wells Fargo Amphitheater at Mackenzie Park; the walk gets underway at 10a.
The event has a one-mile and two-mile route and will feature live music, food and a kid’s zone with face painting, rock climbing and a bounce house. Last year the Lubbock walk had over 1,200 walkers and rose over $81,000. This year the goal is to raise $95,000 for the cause and have over 1,500 walkers.
Alzheimer’s disease is the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death. According to the Alzheimer's Association, as baby boomers age, the number of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease will rapidly escalate, increasing well beyond today’s more than 5 million Americans to as many as 16 million by 2050.
For more information on the Lubbock walk, click this link.
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