Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
15 Epically Passive Aggressive Office Notes
When you're working in close quarters with the same people for long periods of time, the air can get a bit hostile now and then. While there's no way everyone in an office can get along perfectly, there are a few employees who find it hard to tolerate offensive actions, like eating other peoples' lunches or stuffing toilet paper in between the stalls so no one sees them on the toilet. It happens.
10 Dogs Getting Their Groove On
It seems like every day we discover yet another reason to reaffirm the awesomeness of our four-legged friends. For one thing, dogs are super troopers when it comes to our embarrassing Facebook antics.
9 Hilariously Painful Treadmill Fails
If there's one thing humans rule at most, it's creating the funniest fails to ever hit the Web. This is particularly true when the circumstances involve a little risk, a lot of courage and a whole lot of oblivion. Ladies and gents, say hello to treadmill fails.
18 Mesmerizing Nature GIFs
We've rounded up 18 GIFs that'll have a similar effect. Think of it as your daily dose of Mother nature.
11 Hilariously Revealing Search Histories
Where would we be without search engines? With so much info at our fingertips, chances are eliminating a site like Google would make the world implode into confusion. And while our dependence on technology might be a little crazy at times, there is an upside to it all-- search engine histories reveal a lot of hilarious stuff about people.
11 Kids Who’ve Had Enough of Their Parents’ Nonsense
We know parents love their kids. They want what's best for them. But sometimes, mom and dad can be super annoying, and munchkins have no problem letting 'em know.
10 Baby Seals That’ll Make Your Week Way Cuter
Ugh, we've been sucked in again. Baby animals get us every single time. But can you really blame us? It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you have snuggly koalas and dime-size lizards around. And as you'll soon find out, baby seals are no exception.
18 Slow Motion GIFs You Won’t Be Able To Stop Watching
Slow motion is fun. It makes everyday things seem way cooler, funnier or grosser, but no matter what, the result is usally hypnotizing. Seriously, we bet you'll spend no less than way too long staring at the jiggly Jello square.
15 Animals Who Are Tired of Your Nonsense
In case you haven't noticed, us humans are really annoying, especially when it comes to pets. We dress 'em up in embarrassing costumes and bathe them til they hate us and honestly? We can't blame them at all for retaliation.
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
We all know cats are quirky little creatures. For starters, they have a knack for imitating 'Shark Week' and 'The Great Gatsby Catsby'. We're not saying that stuff is weird or anything, it's just that cats always bring an element of hilarity to these sorts of situations. This also includes bath time.
12 Tattoos That Celebrate ‘Shark Week’ Every Week
If you're just now emerging from a deep slumber and have no idea what's going on in the world, here's an FYI: one of the greatest weeks of the year is upon us. (Cue the 'Jaws' theme song.) Happy Shark Week, shark fans!
11 Adorably Embarrassing Examples of Baby Shaming
It all started with the 'Dogshaming' meme, where owners took to the Web to expose their misbehaving pooches. Then there was bunny shaming, which taught us that even those little guys can get into trouble. But that ain't got nothin' on the latest version -- baby shaming brings this trend to an entirely new level of adorable.