Charles Bramesco

Holiday Movies on Netflix: What to Watch When You’re Bored Out of Your Mind at Home With Your Family
Home with your family this Thanksgiving? Here’s the best stuff to watch on Netflix.

Hugh Hefner, Playboy’s Impresario of Pleasure, Dies at 91
The emperor of planet Playboy made the world a safer place for sex, leaving behind a complicated legacy.

Rian Johnson Celebrates the End of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Post-Production With New Behind-the-Scenes Photo
Director Rian Johnson proudly announced on Instagram that the latest chapter of the space opera saga has been edited to completion.

Wonder Woman and Superman Fought in the Original ‘Justice League’ Script
DC’s mightiest heroes clashed in what was once called ‘Justice League Mortal.’

Patty Jenkins Fires Back Against James Cameron’s ‘Wonder Woman’ Criticism
The director called for a more comprehensive definition of what female characters can be.

We Finally Have a Synopsis for M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Split’ Sequel ‘Glass’
The ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split’ sequel will star Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, and James McAvoy.

When Will the Public See Jerry Lewis’ ‘The Day the Clown Cried’?
In the wake of the masterful comedian’s passing, Jerry Lewis’ forbidden film will become available for the first time. But when?

Patty Jenkins in Final Negotiations of Record-Setting ‘Wonder Woman 2’ Contract
She‘s poised to land the biggest check a studio has ever written for a female director.

Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller 3D’ To Make World Premiere at Venice Film Fest
Hard to believe that eight years have already passed since Michael Jackson’s death, but time’s a goon like that. And as the King of Pop settles in the ground, the question of what shape his legacy will take must be answered. While we’d be remiss to gloss over the ethical lapses and general trainwreckishness of the man’s final years (and doubly remiss not to point out the cruel, exacting factors in his life that drove him to that mental state), the time has come for a bit of enshrinement. Next month, the Michael we prefer to remember — the virtuosic performer, the boundary-pushing titan of black art — will return for a glorious new tribute.

Here’s How ‘Justice League’ Can Remove Henry Cavill’s Mustache
Ahh, post-production, that magical time when a director can use computers and good old-fashioned ingenuity to fix the hundred little things that went wrong while shooting. Flubbed lines can be re-recorded and spliced in, flawed shots can be surgically removed, and inconsistencies in continuity can be digitally erased from the frame. That last one has become something of a major concern for the Justice League production as it winds down, because the process of reshooting has dealt director Joss Whedon one hairy, noticeable continuity error.

Tim Curry’s Pennywise Makes a Split-Second Cameo in the New ‘It’ Trailer
Just yesterday, we noted the release of a new trailer for the upcoming re-adaptation of Stephen King’s seminal killer-clown novel It. Things seemed pretty normal, at first brush: terrified kids, children’s entertainer straight out of your worst nightmares, eerie red balloon, the whole nine yards. But sharp-eyed viewers have now noted a little Easter egg squirreled away for a split-second in one shot near the end of the trailer. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it, “it” referring in this instance to “IT.”

Daniel Craig Will Reportedly Return… For the Next ‘James Bond’ Movie
With the arrival of San Diego Comic-Con last week, the major announcements started flying fast and furious. After the avalanche of release date announcements, trailer releases, and other first-look headline-generators, the news broke that the gears of progress had begun turning for James Bond’s next cinematic outing. The official Twitter account posted that the still-untitled James Bond 25 would hit American theaters on November 8, 2019 after an earlier release in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, and also presumably after shiploads of online pirates have gotten their mitts on it. Americans do not tend to take delayed release dates lying down.