Mike Adams
For Better Holiday Deals, Check Retailer’s Websites First — Dollars and Sense
A good tip for bargain hunters: check retailer’s websites before you actually venture out to one of their brick-and-mortar locations.
Bad Doctor Banned for Prescribing Gay ‘Cure’
There is no “cure” for homosexuality, but that did not stop an Australian doctor from reaching into his bag of voodoo tricks and pulling out a prescription for some strange drug he claimed would rid a young man of his gay urges.
Family Not Allowed to Board Flight Because Their Son Has Down Syndrome — Is It Fair? [VIDEO, POLL]
A Southern California family claims they are victims of discrimination, since not being allowed to board a first class flight with their son who has Down Syndrome.
While waiting to board a flight from Newark, New Jersey to their home near Bakersfield, California, Joan and Robert Vanderhorst say they were approached by a representative for American Airlines and informed that the pilot believed thei
Will Drought Cause Popcorn Prices to Jump in Movie Theaters? — Dollars and Sense
The drought crippling the Midwest has many farmers standing with their hands in the air wondering what to do about the countless rows of crops that have been left for dead by the summer’s scorching triple-digit heat.
Walmart Tests iPhone App to Speed Up Checkout Process
Walmart, the world’s largest retail chain, is currently testing a “scan and go” iPhone application that would allow customers to scan items as they shop and pay more quickly and conveniently at a self-checkout counter.
Taco Bell Announces Plans to Sell Mountain Dew A.M. on Their Breakfast Menu — Dollars and Sense
Some of you may not believe this, but Mountain Dew was not intended to be consumed for breakfast – that is, until now.
Buy This Pub and Get a Free Booze Guzzling Pig
No one wants to own a bar and grill catering to social degenerates and alcoholic swine. However, when the alcoholic swine is actually a beer guzzling pig – we consider that the exception to the rule.
Man Breaks Into House, Makes Pot Pie in His Underwear AND THEN THINGS GET WEIRD
If a wild night of drinking ends with you sitting on a recliner in your underwear waiting for some food to heat up in order to starve off a bad case of the beer-munchies, that usually means that on that night, you somehow managed to run with the ranks of the wicked and wild without getting into too much trouble.
Scientists Find Disturbing Link Between Drought and Suicide
There appears to be a creepy correlation between extended periods of drought and high rates of suicide.
Fast Food Apple Slices Being Recalled Across the Country Amidst Listeria Scare
While an apple a day may keep the doctor away, it looks as if fast food apple slices could have you racing for the emergency room.
Principal Takes on a Man with a Gun During School’s Open House
Students at a Georgia high school will likely start their first day back wondering if they should have included a bulletproof vest on their supply list, as police say they are still searching for a man who showed up on campus last week with a loaded gun.
Rare 1873 Dime Auctioned for a Whopping $1.6 Million
There are times when a person walks away from an auction without anything worth a dime, and then there are times when they walk away with a dime that sets them back $1.6 million.