Bagel Boss Guy’s Identity Revealed After After Man Goes Viral for Angry Meltdown in Bagel Shop
On Wednesday (July 10), a video went viral showing a man degrading women and demonstrating his blatant insecurities with his height of 5'0" while ordering breakfast at a Bagel Boss in Long Island, New York.
A young woman named Olivia Bradley was part of the altercation and filmed the whole incident, posting it on Twitter. "so in bagel boss this morning, the misogynistic douchebag seen in the video was degrading almost all of the female staff as well as other patrons. f--k this guy," she captioned the video.
Bradley calls out the man for degrading women, which makes him digress further into a rant about women not wanting to date him because of his height. The video ends with the man getting tackled to the ground, but who is he?
Since the clip went viral, it's been revealed that the Bagel Boss guy's real name is Chris Morgan, and this isn't the first confrontational video he's starred in. The 45-year-old actually has his own YouTube channel, and many of the videos show him getting into fights with various people, mostly over his height.
During an interview with The Daily Mail, Morgan called himself a "modern day Martin Luther King" for short men and called for equal rights, in a bizarre way.
"I got to the point where I'd had enough," he said. "The girls hate me, they don't like me, that's fine. Now I have a mission. I'm not stopping and the world is going to hear me. I want equality for everybody."
Meanwhile, Bagel Boss' owner is using the incident for publicity. "A MESSAGE FROM BAGEL BOSS: After todays [sic] incident everyone is ok!" he tweeted. "Use caution on dating sites and anyone who comes into our locations and mentions this video can get a FREE MINI BAGEL!!!!!!!!"
And celebrities like Chrissy Teigen are wondering how often these types of situations happen and where they can witness. "do bagel boss-esque situations/fights happen often???" she tweeted. "I need to witness one of these in person. this could be the thing that drags me out of my house. where do I need to post up with my camping chair??"