CASA of the South Plains Needs More Volunteers
CASA of the South Plains will be holding training classes for volunteers
As someone who used to work in the family law side of the legal profession, I can say that CASA provided a needed service for the children on the South Plains.
What CASA does and for who (provided by CASA of the South Plains):
While CASA volunteers were able to serve 603 foster children last year, almost 800 of these most vulnerable children were left without an advocate to speak up for their best interest. The summer months often see fewer individuals choosing to serve as volunteer Advocates even though the immediate need for CASA volunteers continues to rise. CASA of the South Plains is making an appeal to community members to become CASA volunteers who will help make sure the well-being of foster children in our community does not go forgotten. A CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate is a volunteer who helps a foster child navigate the child welfare system and ensure their needs are being met while working to help find safe, permanent homes.
If you would like to learn more or register for training you can go to CasaOfTheSouthPlains.org or you can call Kristen at 806-763-2272.
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