Check Out Video of Geraldo Rivera Being Shot at in Libya [VIDEO]
In an interview with "Fox and Friends" afterwards, Geraldo was asked if he "feared for his life for a moment." He responded, quote, "It was longer than a moment."
Geraldo compared the firefight to a gang shootout.
He explained, quote, "There was a wild exchange. It was like a shootout between two unruly gangs…every time [the Gaddafi soldiers] unleashed their salvos, the rebel irregulars would wildly retreat or fire their weapons.
"It was a wild, wild scene. I was as worried about getting shot in the back by the 'good guys' as I was worried about getting shot in the front by the Gaddafi forces."
Then, addressing the debate on whether or not to arm the rebels, Geraldo added, quote, "I swear to God, if you give these people weapons more powerful than they have right now, they will be a grave danger to themselves and others.
"They don't know how to use these weapons. At the first sign of a threat, they let loose their salvos. When you have incoming [fire]…the time when real soldiers use their training and experience…that is non-existent in the rebel army.
"They have the fire discipline of an L.A. street gang. It was really very worrisome."