If You Are A Tech Student And Had Your Bike Wheel Stolen, Someone Might Have Found It
A young lady took a picture of a bike that was locked up at 13th and Avenue X. Unfortunately someone had stolen the front wheel. Fortunately this young lady saw the guy who stole it and got it back.
Caytie is a bit of a crime stopper. She posted a picture of the bike she saw and in the post she says she saw the man who took the wheel off it. She followed him to an abandoned house where he left the wheel. She then went and grabbed the wheel back in an effort to find the person who owns it and the bike.
So if this is your bike, then Caytie is your hero and has your wheel so you can have your ride back again. If this is your bike, or you know who owns it, contact Caytie through the link I included in this post. And thank you Caytie for taking your time to stop a thief from making someone's life crappy.