The New Champion of Holiday Films: Get Ready for an Epic Ride
I have plenty of personal favorite holiday movies. Some are true classics like "It's A Wonderful Life," and the Alastair Sim version of "A Christmas Carol." However, some subvert the genre like "Bad Santa," "Scrooged" and under-rated Ryan Reynolds holiday-flavored "Just Friends" with sweet ending despite sour beginnings. And then there's always the big debate about the greatest action movie of all-time "Die Hard" being a "holiday" film because the main action takes place on Christmas eve. Well, "Die Hard" was sadly left off the option for a brand new holiday movie poll
And, what about your cat or dog? Well, the survey found out hat 27% of holiday shoppers plan to buy a gift for their pet. We are keeping Petco in business at our house but that is another story.
As for New Year's resolutions - number one was saving money followed by reducing stress and exercising more.
You can check out the full holiday survey results here.
Lubbock Holiday Events 2023
Gallery Credit: Emily Claire
How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Snow/Freezing Weather