After living in Lubbock for several years, there are things you will come to love and things that you will decidedly despise. I personally enjoy living in the Hub City, but just like living anywhere else in the world, it has its downsides.

No matter where you live, you will find things to love and things to hate. That is simply the nature of existing somewhere for a long time.

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Why hate where you live?

People from the northern United States likely hate the snow, or merely tolerate it, while those from a state that doesn’t get snow would likely love to live somewhere they can experience a ‘real winter’. You can also consider things that no one enjoys but we have to live with no matter where we are, like mosquitos and other pesky bugs.

Curious about what things people in Lubbock aren’t fans of, I surveyed some locals. I asked them ‘What are your favorite things about Lubbock?’ but with the caveat of ‘wrong answers only’.

One thing that is true about humans in general, no matter what city, state, or country you live in, is that we love to complain. People especially love to complain about the places they grew up in, and Lubbock has no shortage in that area.

So, keep scrolling to see some of the top responses to “what do you love about Lubbock? Wrong answers only.”

The 10 Best Things About Lubbock: Wrong Answers Only

What are the best things about Lubbock, Texas? Wrong answers only...

Keep in mind these are all opinions and it is okay if your opinion is different. If you feel like anything was left out, please leave a comment below.

25 Terrible Lubbock Parking Jobs Caught on Google Street View

These are some of the worst parking jobs in Lubbock, Texas caught on Google Street View.

Gallery Credit: Emily Chaisson

26 Photos of a Beautiful Mediterranean Style House in Lubbock

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