75% Of Texans Agree On This Legislation, But Passage Is Doubtful

When it comes to policies and different pieces of legislation that are being debated by Texas lawmakers, it is pretty rare when that a poll shows 75% of Texans support an issue. Even more surprising when the issue is something that some Republican leaders have been hostile or completely opposed to in the past.
So what do most Texans say they would approve of that probably has no chance of passing in the 88th Texas Legislative Session? Expanded casino and sports betting.
According to ABC13, a new study done by the University of Houston shows that most Texans want casino gambling in Texas legalized. According to the results, 75% of Texans said they would support passage of expanded gambling and it's big majorities in each group that was asked.
Overall, 75% of the 1,200 surveyed said they'd support the passage of the legislation - including all political parties, races, genders, and those who identify as born-again Christians.
In terms of allowing sports wagering in Texas, 69% of those surveyed were in support, with the lowest support total coming in at 57% among baby boomers.
This joint resolution has been introduced, but that doesn't mean it will even be voted on.
In fact, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the senate in the state legislature, said it's not something that he'll take up. The resolution will not pass if that continues to be the case.
"The hard part is we literally are talking about one person," said Dr. Mark Jones at UH. "I think Patrick is conflicted between people lobbying him to pass it, and his own viewpoint that casino gambling would not be a good thing for Texas."
Even though studies, including this one have shown expanded gambling would pass, until you get Lt. Governor Dan Patrick on board, the likelihood of passage is pretty slim.