A Lubbock Man was Arrested on Seven Child Pornography Charges
A Lubbock man was arrested for Possession of Child Pornography. The Texas Department of Public Safety and Lubbock Police Department were notified via Cyber Tip about a Lubbock man with possible child pornography images.
That man, 30-year-old Jared Castle, was arrested in the 4500 block of 65th Street, on May 11, after an investigation was launched into allegations of possession of child pornographic material. So far through the investigation it has been discovered Castle did have in his possession multiple images of child sexual abuse.
KAMC news reports that the FBI was notified of the case but due to case backlogs they would not present the case federally. It was also later discovered by Special Agents that the Cyber Tip was actually linked to other tips from December 2020 and January 2021. Castle was charged with seven combined counts of Possession of Child Pornography.
As per the publishing of this article Castle is still being held in the Lubbock County Detention Center on a combined bond of $150,000 but the investigation is still currently ongoing. In the state of Texas Possession of Child Pornography is considered a third-degree felony and if convicted that person could face two to 10 years in prison. Castle is facing seven combined charges of Possession of Child Pornography and if convicted could face up between 14 to 70 years in prison.