Lubbock Police Offer Fair Tips

If you haven't made it out to the South Plains Fair yet, or if you have and you plan on going again, the good news is that you have until this Saturday to enjoy the sights, sounds, and of course food at the fair.
And of course part of enjoying the sights and sounds of the South Plains Fair is remaining safe and making sure nothing bad happens to yourself or family or friends. So in order for your fair experience to be as stress-free as possible, the Lubbock Police took to X (formally Twitter) to give some tips.
Their first tip? Keep young children in line of sight at all times.
This of course is very important. A missing child is a horrible experience for all involved and a child can go missing quickly at a busy place like the fair. With so many vendors and rides, and food, there are people everywhere and kids (adults too) can get turned around and lose sight of family.
The second tip from Lubbock Police? Make sure your kids have parent contact information.
If you and your kids do get separated, makes sure they know how to contact you.
Tip number 3 from LPD, Lock you car and hide personal belongings.
Let's be honest, cars being broken into happens across Lubbock. It's never a good idea to keep personal and expensive belongings alone in your vehicle.
Tips four and five are all about safety. Keeping possessions close by and being aware of your surroundings.
These are always important tips. Whether you are at the fair or shopping for groceries. Don't give people an chance to catch you off guard. Look around and watch as you are walking around and walking to your car.
Enjoy the South Plains Fair and have fun, but be smart about things too.
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