Lubbock Football Coach Finds Racial Slur Written on His Driveway
The wide receivers coach at Estacado had to deal with some extreme idiocy Thursday morning (February 18th) after he found a racial slur on his driveway written in the snow.
Jeremy Watson, the Matadors' passing game coordinator and wide receivers coach, found the n-word scratched into the snow this morning.
"Found this in my driveway this morning," Watson said on Twitter when he shared the photo of the slur on social media. "Being that this isn’t the first nor second time someone has chosen to use this word to hurt me, I still can’t understand the hatred in a persons heart!"
Watson continued: "At first I was mad but it saddens me to know this type of ignorance still exist!"
You can see Watson's post, along with a picture of the racial slur, below:
This is not something that I personally have ever had to endure, but I'm not oblivious to the fact that racism exists. Whoever left the note is scum and has hate in their heart. The response on social media was overwhelmingly positive on Watson's post, except for one jackwagon who commented on a separate post about the incident claiming 99 percent of racist incidents are actually fake.
Estacado head coach Joe Cluley responded to the ignorance saying it was part of the problem.
"Here is the problem right here -- You can come to Estacado and explain that to our kids and coaches," Cluley said to the commenter. "This happens and is real, saying it's fake is ridiculous."
Cluley then invited the guy to come out and meet his kids and coaches: "Let me know when you plan to show up and talk to our kids, otherwise stay out."
I doubt the guy takes Cluley up on the offer.
If you want to be a coward in Lubbock, do it on your own driveway and leave everyone else's alone. Better yet, don't do it anywhere and be a better human.
Coach Cluley added in a separate post: "This happened, today, to one of the best coaches I’ve ever worked with. He gives up time with his own family to help our Eastside Lubbock kids because he graduated from Estacado and wants to give back! Change MUST happen. How can we talk about real change when this still goes on?"
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