Midwestern State Football Player Dies From Injury Sustained During Game
UPDATE (9/19/17 10:30 PM): According to Lance Matt, a teacher from Van Vleck ISD near Houston, and the MSU school paper The Wichitan, Robert Grays passed away late Tuesday night after sustaining a neck injury during Saturday's game in Wichita Falls.
MORE: Robert Grays' Family and Coaches Issue Statements
Midwestern State University President Suzanne Shipley issued the following statement Wednesday morning:
Today we mourn the loss of one of our own. Robert Grays died yesterday from critical injuries suffered in Saturday’s game. I know you will join me in expressing the sincerest condolences of the MSU community to Robert’s family and friends. Please keep them in your thoughts in the coming days.
Robert touched many lives while attending the university, but perhaps he will be remembered best for his smile. He was an inspiration on and off the field to those around him, and he will be remembered with love and affection by his friends, classmates, coaches, and teammates.
This tragedy has struck at the heart of our community, and has affected us in many ways. Today, I encourage you to join with your peers to help one another. Together we are stronger. We will continue to offer counseling and support services to all members of the Midwestern community.
We will provide you with information about funeral arrangements and an on-campus memorial observance as details become available.
Suzanne Shipley
Original Story:
A very scary incident took place this past weekend and people knew something was seriously wrong immediately.
Sophomore cornerback for the Mustangs Robert Grays has been taken to Houston for medical care after sustaining a neck injury during a hit. Grays and another MSU player tackled the running back on a check down pass. It appears as if Grays' helmet went low and buckled on the hit.
Players knew something was wrong immediately calling for medical attention on the field. Training staff came onto the field and people said the silence in the stadium was quite eerie. Chris Koetter who actually called the games for the MSU Mustangs said he knew it was very serious when a trainer pulled out their cellphone to use the light to check Grays' pupillary response. Grays had a breathing bag put over him before being taken off the field.
Everyone has been worried about Robert Grays and MSU has issued a statement, which you can read in its entirety above. MSU students came together last night in Sunwatcher Plaza to show how much they're thinking of Robert while he still undergoing a medical evaluation.
No word yet on exactly what the injury means for Robert, but we will update you when word comes out.
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