21-year-old Ehvan Reyna has been sentenced to 165 days of shock jail time on top of 10 years suspended to 10 years probation after pleading guilty to manslaughter.
Back in February of 2010, 30-year-old Natasha Harris of Invercargill, New Zealand died of a heart attack. An inquest into her death is finally going on now, and on Thursday, a pathologist testified about what he believed caused it. He thinks she died because of the INSANE amounts of Coca-Cola she drank.
The secret formula for Coca-Cola has always been one of the most heavily-guarded secrets in the world. It's up there with the secret recipe for KFC, where the government is keeping the aliens, and what happened to Tony Soprano.
So this is pretty big news: Over the weekend, producers from the public radio show "This American Life" said they stumbled across the formula when they were digging through 32-year-old archives of the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution". Read more and get the recipe to make your own on the next page!