You know Spider-Man is one of the world’s coolest comic-book superheroes. But did you know that one of his coolest moves in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is inspired by one of the world’s first movie stars? It’s true; the moment early in the film when Spidey grabs onto a police wagon as it speeds by in the middle of a chase is an homage to a similar moment in a classic silent comedy by Buster Keaton. That’s just one of the bloody good facts featured in the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies!
If you get Andrew Garfield to host 'SNL' on the same weekend that 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' opens, you need to put him in the costume for at least one sketch. More importantly, you need to bring in his co-star Emma Stone, with whom he has incredible chemistry. But most importantly, you need to make sure that their sketch together is impossibly silly and makes fun of their on-screen romantic relat
The 2012 Oscars was Emma Stone’s first time presenting an award and she was super excited. (We’re letting you know just in case you didn’t already get that from her bit.) You know who wasn’t revved up at all, though? Her co-presenter Ben Stiller.