A woman from California named Katie Hansen recently pulled off a stunt in Norway where she parachuted into a CONVERTIBLE...that was going 40 miles an hour!
Monday was the one-year anniversary of Felix Baumgartner's record-breaking skydive from over 127,000 feet. And if you haven't seen it yet, Red Bull released some new footage that shows it from three different angles, and it also tracks his altitude and airspeed.
Skydiving footage of an 80-year-old named Laverne is getting a bunch of attention online right now because her harness wasn't on tight enough and she almost slipped out of it in MID-AIR.
Jarrod McKinney’s iPhone 4 — a notoriously fragile device — cracked when his 2-year-old knocked it off a bathroom shelf.
“I was like, ‘Man! That’s all it takes to crack the glass?’ ” he said.