Texans Outraged as Blue Bell Ranked Worst Ice Cream

There’s nothing like cooling off in the middle of summer with a bowl of Blue Bell ice cream. As someone who was born and raised in Texas, I grew up eating Blue Bell and enjoying the ice cream that I thought was universally loved. Sure, I've had other ice cream brands and they’re good and enjoyable, but I keep going back to Blue Bell.
According to the Houston Chronicle, people outside of Texas do not share our love of Blue Bell ice cream. In fact, one publication ranked Blue Bell as the worst. The worst? Come on...
The Brenham-based company, which sits in supermarket freezers across 22 states, was included on a list of ice cream brands that use the lowest quality ingredients by popular food magazine Eat This, Not That! The Texas brand was last on the list, coming in ninth behind Baskin Robbins, with Nestlé Drumsticks and Great Value making the list.
Not only did one misguided publication declare Blue Bell the worst, Mashed also ranked Blue Bell the worst:
Blue Bell was also named the worst store-bought ice cream brand in the country, with 20% of people surveyed by Mashed putting it in last place. Contrary to the feelings of those surveyed, Blue Bell claims 52% of the ice cream market in Texas and is considered the third largest ice cream company by revenue in the country with $671.4 million, behind the massive industry of private label brands with $1.304 billion in revenue, and Ben & Jerry's in second at $863.1 million, according to Zippia.
Now this is what I call fake news.
Texans love Blue Bell ice cream and for good reason. It's delicious and brings back great memories. Plus, with Blue Bell coming up with new flavors, you might just find a new favorite. My personal favorite is the classic Cookies 'n Cream. It’s hard to beat it.