These Are The Times Schools Get Out Today, So Be Extra Careful Driving This Afternoon
Today is the first day of school for LISD and Lubbock-Cooper ISD. Frenship starts on the Monday the 20th. So make sure you're paying extra close attention this afternoon when schools get out.
For the LISD schools:
Elementary schools start at 7:45 and they get out at 3:25 every afternoon.
Middle schools start at 8:20 and go until 4:00.
High schools start at 8:15 and get out at 3:55.
Elementary start at 7:45 and gets out at 3:20.
Middle schools start at 8:15 and get out at 4.
High schools start at 8:10 and get out at 3:50.
New Hope Academy starts at 8:00 and gets out at 4:00.
So please be extra careful mornings and afternoons now that school is back. There are already angry and frazzled parents behind the wheel, and many of them are also selfish Lubbock driving jerks who think they get to drive however they want. In other words, don't add to the jerk fest that's already going down around our kids, please.