Watch Out For Poisonous Snakes In The Texas Bluebonnet Fields
It’s springtime in Texas, and that means that bluebonnets are popping up in fields all across the state. Taking pictures with the state flower has become a yearly tradition for most families. However, some experts are warning people to keep an eye out for a certain uninvited guest, who may ruin the whole experience.
While it’s common to see snakes in Texas during the spring and summer months, this year the population of these creatures has been higher than normal. The climate over the past few months have increased the population of copperhead snakes across the state. In fact, last week a family in North Texas found a rattlesnake on their couch. You can read more about that incident by clicking here.
Many of these wide-open fields where bluebonnets grow, are the perfect environment for poisonous snakes. According to KXAS, these snakes like to seek shade under fallen limbs, rocks or tree trunks during the spring and summer months. The tall grass in the fields, is also an ideal place for the snakes to cool off.

If you’re bitten by one of these snakes, the CDC recommends that you remain calm and seek medical treatment immediately. The agency states on their website that “the sooner antivenom can be started, the sooner irreversible damage from the venom can be stopped.” If possible, try to take a picture of the snake from a distance, which will help medical professionals treat the snake bite.
Just be sure to keep an extra eye out for these creatures, if you’re out in the fields having a picnic, or taking a family photo. You don’t want to get bitten by a poisonous uninvited pest.