Valentine's Day

The Singing Plainsmen Barbershop Quartet Visit the Kool Morning Show [AUDIO]
The Singing Plainsmen Barbershop Quartet Visit the Kool Morning Show [AUDIO]
The Singing Plainsmen Barbershop Quartet Visit the Kool Morning Show [AUDIO]
I got a special treat this morning when Jane Prince-Jones opened my contol room door and told me she had a group for me to interview. Jane does this pretty often. Usually it's a fundraiser, the Lions Club members or a Boy Scout troop taking a tour of the station. I love having guests, but this time Jane had something REALLY special for me. A BARBERSHOP QUARTET!
Famous TV Characters Kissing
Famous TV Characters Kissing
Famous TV Characters Kissing
Today is Valentine's Day, and if you're staying in like a sad sack, I've got a montage that AOL put together of famous TV characters kissing. See the video on the next page!
More than Half of the People On This Planet Think Valentine’s Day Is Too Commercialized
More than Half of the People On This Planet Think Valentine’s Day Is Too Commercialized
More than Half of the People On This Planet Think Valentine’s Day Is Too Commercialized
Valentine's Day is the one day a year when everyone can take their special someone by the hand, look them in the eye, and say, "I've set a price on our love, and here it is, in gift form." Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday. And we all know it. According to a new global survey, more than HALF of the people in the world think Valentine's Day is too commercialized. See the results on the following page.