Improving your overall health and well-being starts with maintaining a heart-healthy diet to lower your cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, a major health concern for many Americans.

While there is a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that can benefit your heart, blueberries are a particularly nutritious, heart-smart choice that you can easily incorporate into your diet.

"Each serving of blueberries (about a handful or cup) is a good source of fiber, which helps support heart and digestive health," according to Brenda Garcia, corporate dietician at United Supermarkets. "When you grab that boost of blue, you also get other essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants."

Garcia also notes that blueberries are Heart-Check certified by the American Heart Association, which indicates that they meet the organization's criteria for heart-healthy food, and only pack about 80 calories per serving.

"They're great to snack on straight out of the fridge or you can even throw them in your yogurt or pancakes," Garcia says. "I also like to mix them with a few walnuts for some crunch or sweetness, smash them up and use them in place of jelly on a PB&J, or add them to a whole grain tortilla with some light cream cheese and cinnamon to make breakfast quesadillas."

So, the next time you're out shopping at your local United Supermarkets store, be sure to add some fresh blueberries to your cart for a healthy snack packed with nutrients and antioxidants that your heart will thank you for eating!

For more tips on a heart-healthy diet, be sure to explore Garcia's blog Happy + Nourished, which is filled with so many great recipes, nutrition ideas, and product recommendations. If you scroll to the bottom of their main page, you can sign up for their newsletter, which sends you helpful tips and ideas right to your inbox.

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