Did West Texas Experience Another Strong Earthquake on Friday Afternoon?
Pray For West Texas, THE RAPTURE is upon us.
Well, not quite.

As people all over West Texas asked one another "did you feel it"? A lot of people actually felt this temblor (yes, that's how you spell it) on Friday.
The quake, which is the 4th largest ever recorded in the Lone Star state, was centered about 13 miles NNW of Midland, and was measured at 5.3 on the Richter Scale, which means that it was strong enough to be felt as far away as Lubbock. Other reports are coming in saying it was felt in San Angelo, Lamesa, and even Roswell, where weed is legal and everyone thought that Earth needs to "chill out, man".
Alas, we have not heard from anyone in the Midland area to confirm the strength of the quake, which only leads us to assume that Odessa and Midland have been leveled, and that Ms. Beatrice May Axthelm of Big Spring may have lost as many as 3 jars of her award-winning strawberry preserves when those jars jiggled off her top shelf. They will rebuild.
In comparison to other colossal shakers:
The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 came in at a 7.7 magnitude, and the other great San Francisco quake of 1989 (the one that happened at the World Series) was a 6.8 (as was the Northridge Earthquake that struck L.A. in 1994). This means that todays 5.3 was , in essence, a burp in the earth. No Big Deal.
Does this means that we could have more earthquakes? Sure. this could be the foreshock to something bigger, so we suggest that you run to the bank, clear out your savings, and send the cash to this station, in care of "DJ Vacation Fund".
Or, as the Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy explains:
"Don't Panic"
The odds of this leading up to something bigger are slight, but it's always good to be prepared.
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