Happy 25th Anniversary, ‘Dirty Dancing’! Celebrate With the Funniest ‘Dirty Dancing’ Lift FAILs

'Dirty Dancing,' the classic '80s film starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey (aka Ferris Bueller's party-pooping sister), turned 25 years old on Tuesday and there's a lot to be thankful for.
Not only did it mark one of the best on-screen appearances of Swayze's pecs and abs, it also marked the moment when acting all sexy while trying to ballroom dance was considered a legitimate way to woo women. Too bad the movie didn't come with a “Please Do Not Try This At Home” warning.
Enter the seemingly endless age of moviegoers trying to recreate the 'Dirty Dancing' duo's chemistry by attempting one of the most physically tasking dance moves from the film — the iconic over-head lift. For many ambitious fans, there were a couple requirements that seemed to slip their minds. First and foremost, the guy must actually be physically able to pick up the woman. Secondly, drinking should be avoided while attempting this stunt. And lastly, the move should not be performed around breakable objects.
Since most people forgot one or all of these tid bits, moderate to epic-level 'Dirty Dancing' FAILs ensued. Thank the high heavens for YouTube, otherwise we would never have been able to witness these blustering dancers first hand.
Help celebrate the movie's 25th anniversary with some of the funniest and most disastrous 'Dirty Dancing' lift FAILs on the Web.
Not only did it mark one of the best on screen appearances of Swayze's pecs and abs, it also marked the moment when acting all sexy while trying to ballroom dance was considered a legitimate way to woo women. Too bad the movie didn't come with a “Please Do Not Try This At Home” warning.
When Two Guys Are Involved
Dubstep and 'Dirty Dancing' Don't Mix
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Don't Mock the “Cocky Dance Move”
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Honorable Mention
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