Federal Moratorium Expires, Many Vulnerable to Eviction
The federal moratorium in place for nearly 11 months expired over the weekend, leaving Americans vulnerable to eviction.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's eviction moratorium lapsed on July 31st, now allowing landlords to evict individuals who haven't paid bills. Eviction notices were starting to be given out just hours after the expiration.
"I think the moratorium was necessary when it first started, but now I think we are past that point and I think the expiration of the moratorium is timely," said Lubbock County Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Jim Hansen. "The most important information for landlords and tenants to know is that there is money available."
Approximately $47 billion in federal housing aid to states during the pandemic has not made it to renters who owe money, or the landlords who are owed money.

Here is some information on how evictions are handled in Lubbock County.
EverythingLubbock reports a program that could help individuals in Lubbock if they're having trouble with finances. The Texas Eviction Diversion Program (TEDP) is said to be an underutilized tool that provides over one year of rental and utility assistance for people behind on rent, facing eviction, due to COVID-19.
"The landlord gets their money the tenant gets to stay and it’s a win win for everybody involved... As long as we still have money available for those who need it I think society and the government have done all they can to help those in need... I don’t think there is any need any longer to force residents to live rent free," Hansen said.
It looks unlikely that an extension of the moratorium will occur.
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