About a year ago I wrote a blog about a friend of mine who is a cab driver for Yellow Cab here in Lubbock. Michael Ribordy drives people around all day, every day. But most importantly, he drives people in need, where they need, for free.

Bordy, as friends call him, has always wanted a way to help people. And he figured out that just doing what he already does --driving a cab -- is exactly what a lot of people need.

Some people need rides to medical appointments but can't afford one, or don't move around easily enough for public transportation. Some people need a quiet and anonymous ride to the Rape Crisis Center after what is the most horrifying experience of their lives, and they won't call family or friends out of fear or embarrassment. Some people need rides to flee abusive relationships to save their lives. And some people just need a ride to work to keep their jobs.

All of these reasons and more are why Bordy is launching Lily Cab. It will be that free service to all of those people in need, whenever they need it. But getting an operation started, even a non-profit charitable one, isn't free. That's why I'm asking my Lubbock family and friends to help with the Lily Cab GoFundMe donations.

It's a small and attainable goal for such a beautiful purpose. Even if all you have is one dollar, it will help. So please click through any link in this blog and donate any amount you can. You won't just be helping people you've never met before; you will absolutely, 100 percent be saving lives in ways you'll never know.

Once all of the official paperwork and other legal hurdles are done and Lily Cab hits the streets, I'll make sure to share it with everyone so they can tell any of their friends who might one day need it. Although we all hope we don't, at least it will be there.


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