Kool 98 welcomes comedian Jeff Dunham to the Hub city on June 26th! Get ready for the show and have fun with a few of your favorite Dunham characters with his new iPhone app!

You can play with Peanut, Bubba J, Achmed, Jose and Walter.

It's $1.99 and it's not getting the best reviews from users, but if you're a big fan and want it, HERE'S the link. Or you can just search "Jeff Dunham" in the AppStore.

Anyway, the show happens on June 26th and tickets are available through Select-A-Seat.

We are giving away pairs through our VIP Club too! If you want to eneter to win, just click HERE.

You have to be a VIP Club member to enter, but that's no big deal. Just click the link above and enter your info. It only takes about a minute and it doesn't cost anything.

See more cool stuff at Jeff's official website:

Here's Jeff with one of his most popular characters, Peanut:


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