The above sign was posted to a Facebook group by a gentleman named Brian Barkley who was in Austin and spotted the sign. The sign outside of the University COOP on the University of Texas campus had the sign that said, "Here in Austin we don't waste good tortillas. #BeatTech"

First of all, nobody in Lubbock is wasting tortillas. It's an integral part of the tradition of Texas Tech football and its gameday atmosphere, which is among the best in the country when it's at capacity. From the Masked Rider to the entrance of the team with the smoke all the way to kick off with the deluge of tortillas that rain down on the corner of the endzone, it's all a part of the fan experience at Texas Tech. In that respect, it's worth it.

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Secondly, nobody is bringing out Tia's homemade tortillas to throw onto the field. These are the cheap processed tortillas that shouldn't exist as food products in the first place. Nobody is throwing good tortillas; they are tossing edible frisbees.

I posted Brian's photo on Twitter (my apologies for butchering your last name) and tagged Wolfforth/Lubbock BBQ joint Evie Mae's on Twitter, joking that I couldn't wait for the, "Here in Lubbock, we don't waste good beef” sign.

Their response was even better. I really expected nothing less. Evie Mae's hit Austin with: "Here in LBK our Texans are actually Texans." Epic. Mic Drop.

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