Lubbock Water Restrictions – What You Need to Know
This morning, we breifly discussed the City of Lubbock's water restrictions. You don't want to waste water and (maybe more importantly) you don't want to get a ticket and a fine.
This comes directly from the City of Lubbock website:
The City of Lubbock receives water from the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA), which consists of Lake Meredith and the Roberts County Well Fields, and from city owned well fields in Bailey County. As of August 17, 2007 Lake Meredith stands at 13.07% full and less than 1 foot shy of the record low of 53.66ft (reached in August 2006). Due to this low level the City of Lubbock is in Stage 1 of the Drought Contingency Plan. Water obtained from well fields comes from large underground water reservoirs called aquifers, which are slow to recharge and heavily used. While water supplies are currently adequate, conservation is necessary to ensure future availability.
Current Restrictions
- Landscape irrigation may occur only between the hours of 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. from April 1 - September 30.
- Landscape irrigation is restricted to two (2) days per week. The City Manager, or his/her designee may, after notice to the citizens of the City of Lubbock, designate irrigation schedules.
- Irrigation should provide a maximum of 1.5 inches per zone per week.
- Winter irrigation may only occur when temperatures are above 35°F so as not to cause a freezing hazard and should provide a maximum of 1.0 inch per zone per month for dormant grasses (i.e., Bermuda) and 1.0 inch per zone every two weeks for cool season grasses (i.e., Fescue).
- Irrigation should occur without significant water runoff, which can be accomplished by correctly cycling the sprinkler system and allowing time for the water to soak into the landscape between irrigation events.
- All City of Lubbock operations will adhere to the water use restrictions.
- Hand watering for landscape irrigation purposes is allowed on a daily basis regardless of the time of the year.
- New plant material may be irrigated on a more frequent basis until the new plant material is established.
To report a violation of these restrictions or to leave a complaint about water runoff, please call the Water Wasting Hotline at 806-775-3952. To request a rain gauge to help measure 1.5 inches of water for your lawn, email us at
They also have a link to a Drought Contingency Plan