Magnet Fishing in Lubbock Lake Yields Some Pretty Weird Stuff
Magnet fishing has become pretty popular in the Lubbock area.
If you aren't familiar with it, it's when you throw a magnet tied to a rope in the lake and then drag it back in and see what you come up with. Bumpers, old car parts, cutlery... you might even find a murder weapon disposed of years ago and help solve a crime. You never quite know what's down there.
I've went magnet fishing a couple of times with friends, but I've never pulled up more than a bottle cap. I'd really like to find something crazy, so I'm going to keep on trying. There's got to be all kinds of stuff in the lakes around here.
Here's a recent find by Lubbock resident AJ Burkett. He was magnet fishing at Dunbar Historical Lake when he pulled up these items:
Not only are you helping to clean the lakes out a little, but it's also kind of fun to find out what's down there.

You can buy your own magnet fishing kit online for less than $100, depending on what strength of magnet you are looking for. It might be a fun activity to get your kids interested in, too. Looking for buried treasure in a Lubbock lake could make for a pretty fun Saturday afternoon.
Here's a couple of things found by my buddy JJ Howell:
Have you ever found anything interesting? We'd love to see what you came up with. Comment on our Facebook page or send a picture with our app if you've found some crazy stuff in the lake. Thanks for doing your part to help keep the lakes clean by not throwing things in there in the first place.