Major Airlines Including Southwest and American Push to End Mask Mandates

This could be great news for those who enjoy traveling, or at least those who have to travel. The major airlines in the United States are now pushing the Biden Administration to drop the federal mandate that says all customers who are flying must wear a face covering or mask.
The order has long been a controversial one and a source of arguments, disagreements and, sadly, on-board fights. And still there's little to no evidence that masks even worked on planes to begin with. In fact, most Southwest flights will inform people that their on-board air filtration system kills most airborne particles.
Another reason masking on planes doesn't make sense? If you're eating or drinking while in the air, you don't have to wear a mask. Last year when my wife and I flew to Hawaii, I had snacks and drinks out the entire time and no one asked me to put my mask back on.
According to KXAN, the heads of 10 major airlines are ready to ditch masking on flights for a variety of reasons:
In a letter to President Joe Biden, the heads of 10 major airlines, including United, Delta and American call for an immediate end to the mandate.
The letter lists the high level of immunity in the U.S., availability of masks for those who want to use them and the ease of access to the COVID-19 vaccine as reasons President Bide should lift the requirement.
National numbers show COVID-19 cases have dropped by 24% in the past two weeks. In the same timeframe, coronavirus related deaths are down 66%.
It's past time for this requirement to end. But if you want to mask up while flying, feel free to do so.
As COVID-19 cases continue to drop and more and more Americans are wanting life to get back to normal, the smart thing for businesses and the government alike is to listen to the people.
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