Meet the World’s Biggest Albino Family…All Ten of Them! [VIDEO]
50-year-old Roseturai Pullan of Delhi, India is albino. So even though he's Indian, his skin is BRIGHT WHITE, his hair is white, his eyebrows are white, and his eyes are almost red.
He married ANOTHER Indian albino, 45-year-old Mani Pullan. They started having children. And all SIX of their children are albino as well.
One of their daughters married another albino Indian man. They have a two-year-old who's also albino. So, overall, that's TEN ALBINOS in the family. And THAT is a record.
The people at Guinness World Records are in the process of certifying them as the world's biggest albino family.
Roseturai says the recognition will be nice because, ya know, life has been kind of tough. Quote, "I've heard people call us 'English''s hard for people to understand we're born and bred Indian."
It's also hard for them because they can't stay in the sun that long and they all have poor vision, which is a side effect of being albino.
(The Sun)