Are you a parent? Are you planning on being one? If you answered yes to either of those questions then watch this video. It just might save your sanity.
There's a video making the rounds of a baby laughing every time his dad COUGHS. For some reason, the kid thinks it's the funniest thing anyone's ever done.
A couple noticed their baby goes absolutely NUTS every time they hold the TV remote in front of him. The great thing is they don't even try to make it entertaining. He's just legitimately FASCINATED by it.
A guy in Houston named Troy Dickerson drove his pregnant wife Kristin to the hospital on June 28th when she went into labor. And he wore a GoPro CAMERA on his head while he was doing about 95 on the highway.
If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video of a kid having a nervous breakdown when he finds out he's getting a third SISTER instead of a brother.
Back in August, a video of a cat in a shark costume riding a Roomba did big numbers on YouTube. But the newest craze is to record you BABY riding on one. Someone posted a montage of the best videos so far.
If you've never seen it, there's an old video on YouTube of a guy staring into his baby's eyes and doing a scary horror movie laugh. And first the kid shoots him one of the funniest frowns you'll ever see...then bursts into tears.
You know most babies are just learning how to crawl or say their first words or even how to feed themselves. Well Ryder, a cute little 7 ½ month old baby is learning…you saw the title…how to water ski. This cutie is from Queensland and his parents posted this video showing that he was learning...
You have to check out a video someone uploaded to YouTube, of a huge Golden Eagle swooping down on a park in Montreal Canada,grabbing a fairly large baby and trying to FLY AWAY WITH IT.
A video called 'Dragon Baby' got millions of hits on YouTube over the weekend. It's from some filmmaker in Canada, who used special effects to make it look like his infant son is having a movie-style Kung Fu showdown with a stuffed animal.