
This Kid’s Message to His Girlfriend Might Be the Most Embarrassing Video Ever [VIDEO]
This Kid’s Message to His Girlfriend Might Be the Most Embarrassing Video Ever [VIDEO]
This Kid’s Message to His Girlfriend Might Be the Most Embarrassing Video Ever [VIDEO]
Some kid's lame video message to his girlfriend is a hit on YouTube right now. It's called 'My Video for Briona', and it's so awful it's almost too embarrassing to watch. First of all, the kid looks like 'Screech' from "Saved by the Bell". But he's also got a creepy laugh, a creepy smile, and delivers an endless stream of cheesy lines to a girlfriend he calls 'baby girl'. Everything about it screams stalker. He also moves the camera and sways the whole time, it's really annoying.
Creepy Older Guy Professes His Love For 18 Year-Old Selena Gomez
Creepy Older Guy Professes His Love For 18 Year-Old Selena Gomez
Creepy Older Guy Professes His Love For 18 Year-Old Selena Gomez
There's a weird older guy with gray hair and brown teeth who's been posting YouTube videos about his love for 18-year-old Selena Gomez.  And despite the creepiness factor, the videos are pretty funny. One of them begins with the guy saying, quote, "Selena Gomez:  Totally in control of me?  Yes."  And in another video, he talks about how much young women are attracted to him. See the vide