What did you see this weekend? Was it the dour World War II epic? The raunchy New Orleans sex comedy? Or the movie where Cara Delevingne shoves her head into a telepathic jellyfish’s butt? Truly, with options like this, anyone who complains about the death of cinema has no idea what they’re talking about. Anyways, here’s the box office numbers through Sunday afternoon:
Who would you rather fight, a million spider-sized ape or one ape-sized spider? It’s a question that’s been haunting my mind since, oh, about an hour ago when I started to look up the box office numbers for this past weekend. And while I might not be any closer to solving my riddle, I can at least say this: when it comes to week-old spiders versus brand new primates, the primates are destined to win. Here’s the box office numbers as of Sunday afternoon:
Did any new releases come out this weekend? I honestly can’t remember. Someone mentioned that there was a new Marvel movie in theaters - one featuring some sort of Spider-Person - but that can’t be right. I feel like I would’ve seen that, perhaps promoted on an unprecedented level for any superhero movie? Hmm. Well, anyways, here’s the weekend box office estimates as of Sunday afternoon:
You know Spider-Man is one of the world’s coolest comic-book superheroes. But did you know that one of his coolest moves in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is inspired by one of the world’s first movie stars? It’s true; the moment early in the film when Spidey grabs onto a police wagon as it speeds by in the middle of a chase is an homage to a similar moment in a classic silent comedy by Buster Keaton. That’s just one of the bloody good facts featured in the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies!
In this hilarious new video promoting ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming,’ New Yorkers were greeted (and kind of terrified) by the Friendly Neighborhood Web-Slinger.
Just when we thought there wouldn’t be anymore Spider-Man: Homecoming casting news, here comes a bit of an unexpected — but pleasant — surprise: Jon Favreau will reprise his Iron Man role in Sony and Marvel’s upcoming reboot, joining MCU star Robert Downey Jr. for Tom Holland’s first solo outing as the iconic web-slinging hero. It’s news that should make several fans, uh, happy?
Unfortunately for any children present, it seems that when Spider-Man saw the famous 'I Want You!' recruiting poster featuring Uncle Sam, he took it literally.
Despite the country’s diligent precautions, Hurricane Irene left a path of destruction in her wake. It was enough to even scare Spider-Man, who sounded a little intimidated by Irene during this interview with a local ABC reporter. Even superheroes need to evacuate sometimes.