Four baboons that escaped from the Texas Biomedical Research Institute have been recaptured, delaying a zombie apocalypse for at least another month...allegedly.
The Alamo Drafthouse is presenting a free screening of the 1968 George Romero classic "Night of the Living Dead" Thursday, January 22 in conjunction with Texas Tech's Film Genres: Horror And The Fantastic Course.
They had someone write a cheesy "Walking Dead" theme song, set it to shots of zombies getting killed, and used the most GRUESOME scenes possible...but intercut it with shots of the characters smiling
'The Walking Dead' is currently in the middle of its third season, and has put out a VERY comprehensive chart of every single zombie that has been killed onscreen on the show so far.
On the one hand, a lot of people are going to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse in case that ever happens. On the other hand, a lot of people out there are buying guns to protect themselves from zombies. According to a gun rights advocate as well as a gun store owner, people are preparing themselves for the zombie apocalypse with guns and ammo.