The Actress Who Voiced the Teenage Elsa in ‘Frozen’ Was Only Paid $926
"Frozen" has grossed more than $1.2 BILLION, but not everyone involved in it came away with TRUCK LOADS OF CASH.
For example, there's 15-year-old Spencer Lacey Ganus. She voiced the TEENAGE version of the main character, Elsa, and she walked away with just $926.20. She only had four lines, and 30 seconds of screen-time...but still.
Another actress had a small part as a young Elsa, and Idina Menzel...or "Adele Dazeem" if you prefer...was the grown up Elsa. It's unclear how much they were paid, although Idina probably scored a healthy check.
(Here's video of Spencer's work as teen Elsa.)