No, ‘The Polar Vortex’ Is Not the Name of a New Lubbock Nightclub
This weekend in Lubbock, we're getting reacquainted with some long-forgotten meteorological terms, such as:
Yep, Old Man Winter is again telling us that this is his lawn and we'd better get off it and stay inside. Otherwise, this could be you:
No, not Olaf. You'd be Jack. Jack is dead. Don't get dead.
By Sunday Morning, we're expecting wind chill readings of negative 20 degrees and lower, according to this handy dandy map from the Facebook page of KAMC meteorologist Jacob Riley.
Yep, those are "kill you" temperatures.
In all seriousness, you need to take extra precautions if you need to be outside this weekend. Mainly, DON'T GO OUTSIDE if you can avoid it.
In a wind chill of negative 20, you can develop frostbite in as little as 30 minutes. Fingers, toes, ear lobes, and the tip of the nose are the most vulnerable parts of the body to frostbite. So, if you're out, try and cover as much of yourself as you can. Admittedly, we've become pretty familiar with the concept of face coverings this past year, so that should not be foreign to anyone.
The best advice is to take advantage of the fact that it's also going to be Valentine's Day, so this is a great excuse to stay in and snuggle up with someone you love. Or maybe someone you just met. After all, this is survival. Body heat, yo.
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